Looking from the deck of our traditional wooden boats, you will see Toruń from the same perspective that travellers, merchants and pilgrims admired it hundreds of years ago: from the river. When taking the river voyage on board a raft, you can enjoy various dishes provided by the partner restaurants from Toruń. You can also do this, while moving down river to visit other tourist attractions around Toruń, for example: Dybów Castle and the castle in Złotoria, the Olender Ethnographic Parks in Wielka Nieszawka and Kaszczorek, as well as the timber and winter ports. We know and love life on the river. We can organise for you any open-air event and any adventure on the Vistula River!
Let the stream of life carry you free!
Raftsmen Of Toruń
Toruńscy Flisacy
ul. Popiełuszki 1
tel. 735 386 375