The Culinary Academy Studio A is located in the very centre of Toruń, just within a few walking minutes from the medieval Old Town. The studio features high end equipment provided by Samsung, its technology partner. All the workshops offered by the studio are held by true enthusiasts: chefs and culinary experts, in its spacious rooms. The Academy is listed in the Polish Rejestr Instytucji Szkoleniowych (The Register of Learning Providers), organises workshops for professionals, and provides learning and development services, according to the SUS 2.0 PIFS Dekra Certificate. The Academy is also listed in Baza Usług Rozwojowych PARP (The Database of Development Services). All of the above makes it possible for the customers to apply for financial support from the public funds, in order to participate in workshops provided by the Academy. We are capable of adjusting the duration, teaching methods and organisation of our workshops to the needs of each individual client from the hotel and catering sector. We can also provide culinary workshops to tourists paying a visit to Toruń. They aim to make you acquainted with the history of the Polish and Pomerania, as well as their cooking traditions, but also to teach you how to prepare such dishes on your own. During such workshops, you will also have a chance to see and taste local food products. The workshops can be combined with a multimedia presentation. Rest assured you will be both immensely educated and entertained.
Duration: from 2h to 8h.
Culinary Academy Studio A
Akademia Kulinarna Studio A
ul. Lelewela 33
tel. 506 177 366